“Healthcare” insurers

Why are nurses engaging in strikes and other job actions nationwide in the US? As prime cuts of sociopathy to hang on the BumRack, these bloated bloviating investor-driven insurance-mafias believe that the standard Corporate Capitalist model of cutting labor costs is an excellent strategy for plumping profits. In this way, they: 1. steal the wages of laid-off nursing and other professionals; 2. steal the lives of those who remain on the job, forcing them to work longer and harder; and 3. Harm and steal the lives of patients whose medical care is rendered inferior because of staff who are both over-stretched and over-stressed. And then, they ask us for copays!! And to add insult to injury, they adopt names like Optima Health, continually propagandizing their “subscribers” (i.e., victims) with messages about the high quality of healthcare they deliver.. In reality, what they deliver is a barrier between people and their providers, together with a plethora of administrative mazes and costs, the strategy always to deny coverage, to induce psychological pain. Of course, the problem is ultimately the oxymoron of for-profit healthcare, but there are plenty of weasels (apologies to the genus Mustela) who willingly plunge into the profit-taking.

Welcome to the BumRack, rodent-eating oligarchs.

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