Pig Pharma Phrustration

I wondered why Western governments who gave Pharma billions never demanded a FULL release of vaccine trial data before approving them for  public use. • Pharma snickered: “We never show all our cards.”

I asked if the mRNA vaccines induced mucosal immunity (IgA antibodies) because the answer would be useful in determining if vaccinated folks could still transmit. • Pharma had no answer.  Or: “none of your business, biologist.”

Based on reports from close friends — pharmacists running vaccination clinics — I wondered if the mis-handling of these ultracold vaccines was possibly inactivating doses.  • Pharma ignored the question.  “Quite possibly,”  said the data.

I stood in line for my shots. Then had a week of flu-like symptoms.  Got pooh-poohed.   I resisted getting the second dose, but ultimately succumbed.  I searched the literature for science to explain such outcomes.    • The literature, by default, said: ”We don’t know, so you don’t need to”.

I kept telling folks that viruses mutate, that provoking genetic variation was a key evolutionary role. • Most folks weren’t particularly interested: “We have a vaccine” went the hopeful reply.

I predicted that they’d be rapaciously throwing boosters our way.  After all, the business of Pharma is business NOT health care. • Pharma said:  “Welcome to more shot-anxiety. Boosters are here.” And “After all, Fear Sells”.

The broken system continued to send tax dollars to Pharma to apply a technology developed in academic labs with tax dollars. • Pharma smiled demonically.

I once thought Anthony Fauci was a really good research biologist.   Ultimately, I surrendered to the realization that he was just another bullshitter propagandist for a broken system. • Pharma reminded me that its lobbyists were positioned to usurp all publicly funded research and feed it to the profit-machine.

I knew that we’d never vaccinate the entire world — necessary to truly stop the pandemic — unless we suspended intellectual property restrictions to allow poorer countries to cheaply manufacture their own vaccines. • Pharma ho-hummed.  Kept tallying its profits.

They tell me I should despise folks who want to keep this insanity at arms length,  who reject Pharma’s manipulations. • Despite being a scientist,  I understand and sympathize with their malaise and their resistance. 

After all, there’s no denying my phrustration. • PHARMA SUCKS.

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