Rare Earth, an Antiwar Rap

To hear this rap as a video, visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eUQMHTEAVY

Deep in the ground, be these min’rals
Rare earths they called and they the balls
Techno love ’em but they ain’t ev’rywhere
If you got ‘em in your ground, y’ain’t got a care

Rare Earth, if you got ‘em in your ground
Watch out for US military comin’ round

Lanthanum,Cerium, really got a in a need for ‘em
Yttrium, Erbium. LEDs light up from ‘em
Batteries, device-screens
Maybe even in your ice cream
Rare Earth . . .

Worried ‘bout climate, got news for you
Wind turbines, they need rare earth too
No ‘lectricity, we be screwed
Gotta go elsewhere for that rare earth food

We all know where that means.
Vietnam, Afghanistan, not much in Queens
CIA and warmonger scum
Lovin’ war, they beat that drum
Rare Earth . . .
Rare Earth . . .

Now here’s the worst news of the lot
China’s got — ‘bout half the pot

Y’know Empires come ’n empires go
Fragile as the meltin’ snow

Bye Bye Adieu Adios Arrivederci
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out

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