Citadel of Hypocrisy

Continuing its campaign of screaming hysteria over the January 6 riots, today’s New York Times features a front-page article, “90 Seconds of Rage on the Capitol Steps.” Moreover, the paper had the sliminess to refer to a woman who “lay dying” in the incident without mentioning that she was unarmed and shot by Capitol Police (her name was Ashli Babbitt, you NYT assholes). The writers also fail to mention – ever – possible FBI involvement in instigating the riot. The writers, who describe the riot as “an assault on the citadel of American democracy,” also omit that many of the rioters merely wandered through the Capitol taking pictures. If you believe that the Capitol has anything to do with democracy, then I’m sorry, but you are stupid. The Capitol is the place where your corrupt, bought-and-paid-for representatives cash in on their service as they do the bidding of their wealthy donors. Misguided though they may have been, the rioters were more patriotic than any of the scum which were at that moment certifying the election of a demented crook. The Capitol should be torn down, and the rubble left in place to remind everyone of just what a fraud our democracy is. (And then let our so-called representatives work in tents, just like the homeless whom they have abandoned.) The reason our partisan media keep the January 6 hysteria alive is both political – this is all the Democratic Party has to offer for 2022 and 2024 – and practical, as a means to increase repression and censorship, the hallmarks of an authoritarian government. The fear Democrats and their media continue promoting is really the fear of their wealthy donors that a true populist movement might kick them out of power, take their money away, and establish a real democracy.

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