You Stink, Israel!

In what has become an annual event, Israeli settlers are hard at work this week destroying Palestinian olive trees, stealing harvested olives, and attacking unarmed Palestinians with knives, rocks, sticks and pepper spray, items which Palestinians are forbidden to use for their own protection. Over the past year these West Bank Israelis, with the support and participation of the Israeli Army, have destroyed more than 9300 of the olive trees which many Palestinians depend on for their livelihoods. This is a campaign of ethnic cleansing, intended to drive Palestinians off their land for the sake of Greater Israel, just as the Nazis tried to create Greater Germany. Israelis, who constantly whine about the Holocaust, have become more vicious than the German Nazis, and cowardly thieves of land and even olives to boot. What can you say to a nation that allows and encourages such barbarism? And what can you say to Americans who support this thuggery? As for American media, the English language lacks the words for the media sociopaths who tell us that “Israel has a right to defend itself” as it conducts its slow, cowardly campaign of genocide against Palestinians. Israel is a piece of shit, Americans who support it are worse pieces of shit, and the worst pieces of shit of all are the American media. But you all stink.

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