America Wishes Afghanistan Merry Christmas and More Death

In a display of greed and cruelty notable even by American standards, 150 family members of 9/11 victims are demanding the seizure of $7 billion belonging to Afghan’s government and held in the New York Federal Reserve bank. Stating that the funds should “go to us, and not the terrorists,” these plaintiffs ignore the fact that the Taliban did not attack the U.S. on 9/11, but rather a group of Saudis did – if a lawsuit in such a case is appropriate, they should be suing Saudi Arabia.

But these plaintiffs ignore the hundreds of thousands of Afghans, mostly civilians, who have been killed IN THEIR NAME. For them and the 9/11 dead, America destroyed a country which did not attack us and slaughtered its people for 20 years. After finally withdrawing, America refused to recognize the Taliban government, which it claims is a terrorist organization – black humor coming from an American government which is the world’s biggest terrorist establishment. The United States should be paying reparations to Afghanistan, but instead is stealing their money, making Americans not only terrorists, but cheap crooks besides.

Afghanistan is one of the poorest nations on the planet, and stealing their money so they starve to death during a cold winter is the American way of saying Merry Christmas. So, to the 9/11 plaintiffs, we at BumRack hope you enjoy the further Afghan deaths you cause while you celebrate your holidays, you bums.

1 thought on “America Wishes Afghanistan Merry Christmas and More Death”

  1. Sue the Saudis for religious fundamentalism, the murders of 9-11 and of Jamal khashoggi, and for the crime pf perpetuating the social mores of the feudal Middle Ages.

    Oh wait, we need them to buy our weapons, so more billionaire oligarchs will be created. Sorry.

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