Yo, Mario

Dear Mario,
I know you’re no longer present on this earthly plane. But as an Italian-American and native New Yorker, I gotta ask anyway: “How the hell did you throw off two such grotesque stronzi* sons? Chris the flaming narcissist and Andy-boy the Nursing-home assassin.

Consider the NYC administration for children’s services (ACS), which is now malevolently scrutinizing terrified parents who kept their kids out of school during the pandemic. In that context of supposed neglect, I have two questions, paisano Mario: 1] Who were these parents supposed to go to for accurate information? The demonstrably corrupt CDC? Your celebrity figlio Chris on CNN (Corrupt Nincompoop News)? Or maybe your other figlio, assassino Andy, who lied so bloody blatantly that he was compelled to resign as NY governor. And 2] What does it say about your beloved New York State politicians and their minions that Chrissie-boy and Andy-boy are now retired to the lavish life of millionaire elites, while these working class New Yorkers drown in anxiety about the possible loss of their kids to a retarded city agency.

Questo è  veramente una situazione di cattivo odore, che sta puzzando di merda. A situation that really smells nasty, that’s reeking of shit. Perhaps you should appear in a vision to your offspring, chastising their comical contributions to “governance” and “journalism.” Or perhaps they’re just chips off the old block, and your entire famiglia should just go a the way of the Dodo and the Woolly Mammoth.

* NOte: “Stronzo” (pl. “stronzi”): Literally “turd”, colloquially “asshole”.

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