Arrogance and Stupidity

With the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, the FBI has revealed itself to be not just an organization of thugs and murderers, but a Democratic Party organization of thugs and murderers. No justification has been provided by the FBI or the Justice Department for such an over-the-top paramilitary raid, and that leaves only the obvious partisan political reason: to stop Trump from running in 2024. This is a project which the Democratic Party and its flunkies in the FBI have been engaged in since Trump won the 2016 election, a project now comprising a 2-year, multi-million dollar investigation which turned up nothing, two failed impeachment efforts, and the comical circus of the January 6th hearings.

The Democratic Party, which put Biden and his fellow clowns in office, now seems to believe it can get away with using the Justice Department to attack its political enemies. Already successful in censoring the voices of opposition both in the press and on social media, Democrats now show themselves to be classic authoritarians, hiding behind the slogan that no one is above the law, as they misuse the law to try to lock up opponents. All with the cheerful assistance of the FBI and the so-called mainstream media.

Democrats are so blinded by their own arrogance and stupidity that they believe that most of the citizenry support their fascistic efforts, and those that don’t have no power to oppose them. They don’t see that their actions are tearing the country apart, with the eventual result being either civil war or a permanent physical division of the United States. They should pay attention to an important historical statistic: at the time of America’s Revolutionary War, only 30 percent of the population supported the war, and only 10 percent of the population fought in it. And yet…

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