Bernie Madoff Would be Proud

Let’s stop with all the hand wringing about SARS CoV-2 viral evolution and all the newly arising omicron variants therefrom — and the need to “take precautions”. Really, if this is what you’re saying, please just shut the fuck up and go back to my Medium posts of 2021. A REAL vaccine (not a genetic countermeasure) that would be administered nasally and induce MUCOSAL IMMUNITY —class-A antibodies secreted into nasal mucous that act as a glue to trap viral particles and greatly attenuate transmission would make most other of those precautions irrelevant. And it would therefore tamp down that evolution which requires the transmission of viruses to new hosts allowing them to mutate during sloppy replication and escape immune surveillance in those new hosts. This is a branch of the immune response (there are numerous such branches) which is NOT activated by the current mRNA garbage, and perhaps was never meant to be.

Have we seen any cooperative efforts between federal health agencies (CDC, FDA) and Pharma to push development of such mucosal vaccines, as we saw in the collusion to rush the mRNA garbage to market with its increasingly recognized poor risk-to-benefit profile? Of course not. Are we conspiracy theorists or simply hyper-cognizant of slick Ponzi schemes emerging from hyper-corrupt alphabet agencies and corporate criminals who’ve been fined billions for their “business practices”?

To all the semi-informed “science writers” who believe the solutions are more boosters, masks, and social isolation, I recommend a whole lot of in-depth study of immunology and virology. Most of you are, in fact, dilettantes, masquerading as informed purveyors of science, by transmitting the rhetoric of Fauci mouthpieces who opine in corporate media. Worse than even lightweights, you’re brainwashed drones. Please write about something you actually understand beyond a 12th-grade level.

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