Breaking News: for the Dumbest Americans

After weeks of trying to ignore or discredit Seymour Hersh’s Substack article, “How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline,” the American government responded through its propaganda mouthpiece, the New York Times, with an explanation so ridiculous that a thinking person can only laugh. The NYT article, which continues the preposterous contention that there is a big mystery about what happened to the pipeline, now claims that shadowy Ukrainian groups were responsible. The authors cite “new intelligence” in support of the claim, but can’t say what that intelligence is, who provided it, or even how much confidence to place in it. The authors smear Hersh’s article by implying that it was based only on Biden’s statement in reference to the pipeline that “we will bring an end to it,” without mentioning that Hersh had at least one source inside our intelligence agencies, and without mentioning Hersh’s 50 year record of breaking stories our government tried to bury. This new absurd theory doesn’t explain how Ukraine could have placed the explosives without being detected, or how a country with almost no navy would have expert deep-sea divers to place the explosives.

Using the usual criteria of “means, motive, opportunity,” there is no mystery: the US is the obvious culprit. It has a huge navy, it wanted to prevent Germany from buying Russian gas, and it used the cover of NATO exercises in the Baltic as its opportunity to plant the explosives. Also suggestive is the refusal of the Danish and Swedish authorities to release the results of their investigations into the explosion, presumably because those results would implicate the US. By now the American media have finally given up the ludicrous explanation that Russia blew up its own pipeline when they could have just turned it off, and this replacement story is the best our media can come up with. Only the dumbest Americans will believe our lying media and government officials when told the US didn’t commit an act of international terrorism, but given past behavior, that will be most Americans. Our great United States: a nation of thugs and murderers, dumb and getting dumber every day.

1 thought on “Breaking News: for the Dumbest Americans”

  1. Come on there, NY Times. My sources tell me che era un gruppo di Siciliani chi hanno scoppiato Nordsteam (that it was a group of Sicilians who blasted Nordstream). Oops, my sources must remain anonymous, lest they get angry with me, with clearly predictable consequences. Is there a reason that my explanation is any less believable than the frittata of chicken guano purveyed by you all in concert with the ultra-corrupt Biden administration? Anyone exclusively reading this rag each day likely has not even a nanoliter of clear cognition about the world. Its physical and digital pages effuse the most vile sewer gases of exceptionalist propaganda, particularly where Amerika’s wars are concerned. To paraphrase an old piece of satire in MAD magazine: “All the news that’s shit, we print.”

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