The Biden DoJ is a POS

Democrats are reacting with glee at the stream of indictments against Donald Trump, sometimes blurting out the truth that the only purpose of these charges is to keep Trump from running for president in 2024. Trump may be a sleazy businessman, but the nonsensical claims of mishandling classified papers or inciting insurrection are so ludicrous that they can’t be seen as anything other than partisan persecution. When Trump is investigated Dems sanctimoniously claim that no one is above the law, but when evidence suggests Biden is corrupt his Department of Justice and its FBI thugs do everything they can to prevent our Crook-in-Chief from being investigated. It never occurs to dimwit Democrats that turning the Department of Justice (and our court system in general) into a partisan weapon is a bad idea. First, because out of self-interest they should realize that the DoJ and the courts will some day be used against them. And second, because destroying the belief in justice itself will destroy faith in the federal government (if there is any left) and create a nation of chaos and violence.

The Dems’ tactics are the ultimate in authoritarian rule. It is exactly what Brazilian politicians did to keep Lula da Silva from becoming president: fabricating corruption charges which landed Lula in prison, charges which were later dismissed as fraudulent. And note to Dems: the fabricators of these charges eventually were charged with crimes themselves. If you want the kind of divisiveness and uproar we see in places like Haiti or Sudan, the Democratic Party is leading the way.

Democrats are fond of accusing those who oppose them of extremism. But in reality they are authoritarian extremists, who censor free speech and are now attempting to jail their political opponents. And the worst Democrats are in Biden’s Department of Justice, fanatics who believe they should betray justice to prevent an opponent from being elected by the people who would choose him. It doesn’t hurt that by keeping opponents out (even opponents who are also Democrats) DoJ fanatics maintain their power and can keep collecting their bribes and speaking fees. Biden is a crook, a murdering warmonger and a rapist, so no one should be surprised that his Department of Justice is a piece of shit.

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