Democrats and Homelessness

American public officials are now asking the Supreme Court to overturn lower court rulings which up until recently protected homeless American citizens from having their encampments and belongings swept away regardless of whether they have anywhere else to go. Although this is a bipartisan effort, it’s notable that these public officials include attorneys for several Democratic US cities like San Francisco and the Democratic governor of California. Comically, Governor Gavin Newsom demands that something must be done, because “people’s lives are at risk,” when what he means is that the money of his wealthy donors is threatened by the unsightly homeless. The argument is that public spaces have been turned into pits of squalor by homeless encampments, saying in essence that they make America look bad. These public officials claim they have done all that they can, citing examples like Los Angeles which has spent over a billion dollars during this fiscal year, primarily in social services and shelters. This might seem like a lot until you consider that Los Angeles contains some of the wealthiest enclaves in the country, and that 12 million people live in the metropolitan area. How about building more housing for 80,000 local homeless citizens? Nope, no money for that.

And what is the unanimous response of Democrats in Congress to this emergency? Send another $24 billion to Ukraine! Notably the only opposition to this travesty comes from a handful of Republican representatives. It’s hard to find words for such a disgusting spectacle. To spend over $150 billion to date on the vanity project of the Ukraine war while American citizens experience homelessness, hunger, poor health care and crushing student debt is sickening, but this is what the donors to the Democratic Party are demanding. You can’t really blame our Representatives and Senators – they’re just corrupt sockpuppets for the wealthy. Their donors are our real ruling class, and they show more and more cruel indifference to the needs of American citizens, homeless or not. If our wealthy sociopathic masters could bury all of our homeless in mass graves they would, because that would be the cheapest path to their vision of paradise.

1 thought on “Democrats and Homelessness”

  1. eh, tough cookies, homeless Angelinos. No soup for you.

    I wanna see the bloody Dems sub-in Gavin Newsom, when Brandon becomes too fragile to flap his lips. Yeah gonna be a lotta enthusiasm for Gav among indy voters. NOT!
    The Donald will mop the floor with the Nancy Pelosi hand-pick from CA. Uh, no, Gav, baby, we don’t really relate to you. Try that multimillionaire Hollywood bunch, ‘specially SEAN PENN.

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