More Israeli Nazis

So here we are again, with American officials and their rotten accomplices in mainstream media pretending that the Palestinian attack of October 7 came out of nowhere, and that Palestinians are simply barbarians who deserve be erased. American assholes like Joe Biden and most of our Congress ignore the decades of massacres and humiliation which Israel has visited upon the Palestinians and instead fall back on the ludicrous phrase, “Israel has a right to defend itself.” Never will you hear them say that Palestinians have a right to defend themselves. Never will they admit that cowardly thieving Israelis stole their country from peaceful Palestinians. Never will they complain about Israeli Defense Forces shooting unarmed Palestinians day after day, year after year. Never will they mention the racism of Israeli-only roads and the confinement of Palestinians in the ghettos of Gaza and the West Bank, while settlements illegal under international law continually diminish the bits of land Palestinians are allowed to live on.

The survivors of the Holocaust only learned to be better Nazis than the Germans who gassed them, and the United States backs them fully in every horror they commit. So here’s to Hamas, and may they continue to torment Israelis who deserve all the death, torture and humiliation which they have visited upon the Palestinians.

Death to Israel.

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