‘Merican DEMockCrazy &the NY Times

Traditional Liberals — what those of us on the real left sometimes call “shitlibs” because their production of fecal stupidity in the name of liberalism (aka the democratic Party) is so blatant and putridly fetid — are calling for their followers to vote republican.

More specifically, they’re suggesting that in sates with open primaries, registered democrats Cross over to vote for supreme warmonger, Nikki Haley — as a quite obvious ploy to somehow damage the prospects of one Donald J. Trump in those states. And given that the DNC has all but eliminated any genuine primary contests in its sprint to elevate an 81-year-old brain-addled war monger to its 2024 candidacy for president of this rapidly sinking shell of a supposed republic, those crossover primary votes are fully irrelevant to the Democratic Party’s own lack of a contest.

I scan the online edition of the NY Times each morning, mostly to enumerate the overt and more subtle ways which that rag of a “news medium” pursues a similar strategy. For example, no day passes without some allusion to Trump’s legal battles, and hardly a day expires without references to January 6 as an “insurrection”, a grotesque mischaracterization of a protest against corrupt elections manipulated by tech giants like Google.

But consider the Times’ online edition of Tuesday, Jan. 2, in which for the entire day, the site featured segments of an interview between Nikki Haley and Times “reporter” Jazmine Ulloa, with diverse images of a smiling, gesticulating Haley flashing and cycling onscreen throughout the day; interspersed with poll numbers showing Haley solidly ahead of her Republican rivals in second place behind Trump. Few, if any, politicians could hope for better publicity.

There are two obvious (and one additional more-subtle) conclusions: the first has been evident for quite a while — the Times has never met a U.S. war, or warmonger, it didn’t approve of. The second is that if you are reading that rag for news and straightforward reporting you can trust, you have a serious information problem and may need counseling. And finally, if you still believe in this wild fiction called American democracy (DeMockCrazy), you may need a cocktail of serious psychotropic medication to accompany that counseling.

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