Help Develop American Fascism!

New Mexico Democratic Senator Ben Ray Lujan is co-sponsoring a bill to intimidate social media outlets into censoring “misinformation” on their platforms. And who will decide what is or is not misinformation? Not you! Not the citizens of this country! No, it will be your bought-and-paid-for representatives in our so-called democracy. Democrats think this is a great idea – do you? Then congratulations – you’re helping to develop American fascism!

1 thought on “Help Develop American Fascism!”

  1. Ah yes, Mussolini would be proud of our accomplishments here in ‘Murica. The irony is that in their rush to quash so-called “misinformation,” these political hacks are misinforming Americans that their actions and wishes are appropriate in the context of our Constitutional supposed-republic. Which, of course, censorship of speech is NOT. Nice going Sen. Lujan. I knew from the get-go that you were a self-absorbed climber in the democratic Party. An ethical center of jello.

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