NYT Shits on Glen Ford

Three weeks after his death, the New York Times finally got around to publishing an obituary of Glen Ford, the black activist and founder of Black Agenda Report. I’ve seen the NYT occasionally take a week to publish an obituary, but three weeks? This is simply their expression of contempt for a man who was not the right kind of black, as opposed to an obedient ass-kisser like Barack Obama, Cory Booker, or Jim Clyburn. Glen Ford was an actual black activist who spent most of his life speaking up for the needs of black people, rather than betraying them. He referred to sellout blacks like Obama and Clyburn as the black misleadership class, a phrase used in the obituary only with quotes, to dismiss it as some oddball notion, rather than the embarrassing truth. If you want to know what he was really all about, read what Black Agenda Report has to say about him, not the bowdlerized version of the sneering elites who publish the New York Times.

1 thought on “NYT Shits on Glen Ford”

  1. Excellent summary. Each time I read B.A.R. and saw Ford’s references to Black Misleaders, I knew the man stood pretty close to me on the left; antiwar, anti fasdcist, anti corporate puppetry of our pols and of our enture society, wealth inequality. Rest in peace, brother.

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