When It Comes to Ukraine, How Stupid Are Americans?

When I say “stupid,” I don’t mean dumb, I mean someone who is deliberately uninformed, someone who refuses to ask questions, someone who swallows any story told by our mainstream media, someone who knows nothing and wants to know nothing, whether the subject is Ukraine, or Yemen, or Iraq, or any place further than their own neighborhood.

Maybe this is you! Because a non-stupid person would be asking: why is Ukraine so important to US? And if it’s so important, why aren’t US troops fighting there? And why do we send more weapons to Ukraine, which will only prolong the war and kill more Ukrainians?

If you asked such questions, you might find that the current war in Ukraine has been a long anti-Russian project, begun under Obama, continued with Russiagate, and brought to a head under Biden. The Democratic Party has supported this project so enthusiastically that they are now the favorites of our homegrown Gestapo, consisting of the CIA, the NSA, and Homeland Security, among others. You might also find that censorship must be applied to any voices which question our twisted foreign policy, and you in turn could ask why such censorship is necessary.

You might find that in Ukraine the US is conducting a war by proxy against Russia. First we provoke Russia into attacking Ukraine, and then let Ukraine be destroyed to justify crippling sanctions against Russia. No Americans will get killed, and the monsters who run our country, sometimes referred to as the Deep State, don’t care how many Ukrainians get slaughtered, because it advances their goal of the US being the only superpower in the world. Their plan is to knock out Russia as a rival power, and then attack China. Then these greedy bastards will be free to enslave the whole world.

So if in fact this explanation of the war in Ukraine is correct, you who refuse to ask questions are helping America’s anti-Russian project. You are in effect responsible for every death, Ukrainian or Russian. All of us are American murderers now. Congratulations, stupid!

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