Ukraine Scorecard

So, three months have passed since Russia invaded Ukraine, and how’s it going? For Ukraine, not so good. Ukraine seems likely to lose at lease one-fifth of its territory, namely the Donbass and the southern territory leading to Crimea. Possibly the Russians will continue on to Odessa, in which case what’s left of Ukraine will be landlocked. The Ukrainian army may have lost as much as a third of its forces, and some of the remaining troops are deserting or refusing to follow suicidal orders. Thousands of Ukrainian civilians have been killed, and millions have fled the country. Their economy is bankrupt, surviving only on western handouts. Meanwhile Zelensky and his merry band of Nazis, pressured by the US and its European allies, insist on pursuing an anti-Russian crusade which will lead the country to utter destruction.

For Russia, the outlook is better than anyone expected. The ruble is stronger than ever, inflation and interest rates are down, and the economy is being supercharged by the high energy prices which American and European sanctions have created. Far from overthrowing Putin and weakening Russia, the country has survived and even prospered in the face of an unprecedented attack on their economy. In fact, it appears the sanctions are hurting Americans and Europeans much more than they are hurting Russians.

Barring an event which could justify a direct NATO intervention, such as a false-flag chemical attack, or a Russian retaliation for a Ukrainian attack on its territory, all that will be left to the US and its allies is to say they did their best to defend so-called democracy, but well, win some, lose some. At the same time, the non-Western world, having witnessed the criminal freezing and seizing of Russian assets, is likely to dump the dollar as the world’s reserve currency in the near future, which will precipitate an economic catastrophe in the United States, a nation already on the verge of recession.

The arrogance of Biden and his neocons is responsible for thousands of deaths, military and civilian, the demolition of the former Ukraine, and economic hardship for Europeans as well as Americans. In trying to knock out Russia before America proceeds to attack China, the US instead has created an opposing block of almost the entire non-Western world. It will be hilarious to see how our American government and its servile media try to present all of this as a success.

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