The Farce of January 6th Hearings

n these hearings, the most corrupt, dishonest, and partisan people in the country pretend to be serious, impartial investigators. The Democratic chairman, Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, is flanked by Republicans Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and Liz Cheney of Wyoming, along with six more Democratic hacks. These nine people try to appear extremely solemn, but it’s hard to see how they can keep a straight face as they make increasingly hysterical charges against Trump and anyone associated with him, such as “one of the darkest days in our nation’s history” and “Democracy is at stake!”

The members of the committee present summaries of evidence, but not the evidence itself. There are plenty of video snippets, edited to make an anti-Trump point. There are plenty of interviews with friendly witnesses. There are plenty of nauseating self-righteous speeches. This made-for-TV spectacle presents the illusion of an investigation, but Trump and his followers have already been found guilty. The hearings are one long campaign commercial, intended to boost Democratic candidates and to prevent Trump from running again. No damage done by Trump, his advisors, or those who entered the Capitol that day, will ever be as great as what is being done to the nation by the Democratic Party, with its misuse of power for strictly partisan gains, and its demonization of ordinary citizens who tried to correct a perceived electoral fraud. The end of these theatrical performances will be the breakup of the United States, and Democrats will be to blame.

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