Happy Horseshit

The New York Times and the rest of the mainstream media continue spreading their happy horseshit version of events in Ukraine. According to them, the war is at a stalemate, with Russians unable to advance, running out of ammunition, and suffering economically at home. Also according to them, Ukraine is about to launch a counteroffensive which will mark the beginning of the expulsion of Russian forces. All completely untrue, as anyone willing to ask questions – and this eliminates most Americans – can judge for themselves. Even the Ukrainian government admits that Russian and allied forces continue to gain territory, although slowly, day by day. Russian forces continue to fire an estimated 7000 artillery shells a day at Ukrainian targets, so they are clearly not running out of ammunition. Russia’s economy is weathering sanctions well, with inflation coming down and the ruble strong against the US dollar, while European economies collapse. The great Ukrainian counteroffensive, promised since March, continues not to happen, as even Ukrainian sources confirm that Ukraine lacks the troops and weapons to start such an offensive.

How to explain the divergence between stories published by the New York Times and actual events? Simply put, the Times lies. To be more accurate, they simply publish the propaganda they are given by DC neocons and US intelligence agencies. I suggest that New York Times subscribers should demand lower subscription rates, to be provided by replacing current overpaid NYT “journalists” with high school students paid at the minimum wage. These student can certainly run the copy machines which produce news stories from CIA handouts, so readers would not notice any difference. Although there is always the danger that a few of these students might actually ask questions and do real reporting, causing New York Times readers’ heads to explode.

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