Alphabet Slop

FDA, CDC, EPA. Alphabet soup? Nah, alphabet slop. Why? Because the sloppy science of these federal govt. agencies seems to end up serving corporate interests, not “the people”. And often in not very healthful ways.

Lately, focus has been on the EPA and its rubber-stamping of Bayer-Monsanto’s glyphosate, the active herbicide in Roundup. According to a court ruling, the EPA ignored expert advice from scientific advisors, and used “inconsistent reasoning” in concluding that the chemical poses “no risks to human health”; the EPA ignored studies that made a solid case for glyphosate’s genetic toxicity and its likely contribution to developing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a blood/ immune system cancer. Overall, the EPA determination that glyphosate was “not likely to be carcinogenic” was “flawed” in multiple ways, said a federal court. THE WINNER: Bayer-Monsanto’s profit margin. The LOSER: US citizens and the environment.

Then we have the FDA and its approval of experimental COVID vaccines without releasing the (botched) clinical-trial data for scientific scrutiny. This against the curious backdrop of having its budget for scientific drug review funded largely by money from Pharma. Adding insult to injury, the FDA then approves a new Pfizer drug, paxlovid for treatment of mild to moderate COVID illness. Uh hello, why, if one has a mild case, is such an antiviral necessary — especially a drug with only around 50% efficacy that also predisposes to follow-up cases of COVID. And a mediocre drug being prescribed off-label. THE WINNER: Pfizer. Again the people lose.

Finally the CDC and its COVID guidelines, hazy and continually shifting, while ignoring guidelines carefully drawn up by an eminent group of immunologists and virologists in the Great Barrington declaration, which correctly pointed out that you can’t vaccinate your way out of a pandemic with vaccines that don’t halt, that barely attenuate, transmission and infection. And ultimately, two years later, after ignoring expert advice from scientific advisors, the CDC comes to that same conclusion: that the COVID virus will become endemic. But in the process, kids miss a ton of schooling, the livelihoods of many citizens are threatened, essential medical personnel lose their jobs. And the autocratic tyranny of Big Tech and the US government is facilitated by mandates and digital vaccine passports. The winners: Big Pharma, corporate pharmacies, Big Tech, and government invalidation of bodily autonomy and the 4th Amendment. And . . . wait for it . . . once again, the people lose.

Big bloated federal agencies with big bloated budgets serving multinational corporations rather than citizens. Now that’s “democracy”-by-alphabet-slop.

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