Authoritarian Democrats

Anyone with a brain – and this excludes Democratic Party zombies – might ask why the US is spending tens of billions of dollars on a war in Ukraine, and more billions on weapons for Taiwan, when a million Americans are homeless, more millions cannot afford decent housing or healthcare, and while inflation largely due to sanctions on Russian energy constantly diminishes Americans’ standard of living. Anyone with a brain could also ask how Biden’s recent speeches branding Trump supporters as threats to democracy can be considered calls for unity. Likewise, the non-brain-dead could ask how Biden’s demands for more censorship of social media can be reconciled with First Amendment guarantees of free speech.

The answer is that the Democratic Party is made of up of wealthy authoritarians who serve the even more wealthy western elites, as does the Republican Party, which at least is less hypocritical about its role. Dems are paid by their masters to treat the citizens as lowly peasants whose needs can be ignored, and who can be crushed like ants if they get uppity. The Democratic Party’s increasing militarism over the last 20 years can be explained by its usefulness to western elites to silence domestic dissent with charges of treason, and to assault foreign adversaries such as Russia and China. The increasingly frantic Democratic Party attacks on Trump can be seen as the time-honored tactic of divisiveness used by elites who are threatened by populists (even though Trump is only a fake populist). Censorship and propaganda, hallmarks of an authoritarian regime, are enthusiastically supported by the Democratic Party through their flunkies in American mainstream media and social media, and there is no better example of both than the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020.

The future designed by the Democratic Party is clear: more war, more austerity, more censorship and more repression of dissidents. Dems serve a secretive elite whose aim is control of the world’s nations, its people, its wealth and its resources. That control is now threatened by the rise of a multipolar world over which the West will no longer rule. This requires increasing intolerance of dissent as the elites drag us into global wars. It also requires growing austerity as more and more resources are needed to supply the greed of the wealthy and their wars. Thus, hundreds of billions for war, laughably termed “defense,” but pennies for the needs of the people.

Like their masters, the corrupt Democrats are amoral sociopaths who blather about freedom and democracy while they enslave and impoverish not only Americans, but the entire planet.

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