Hell, Catholicism and War Criminality

In my early Catholic years, the nuns told me to beware of impure thoughts — venial (more minor) sins, but especially to refrain from any hell-bound (mortal) sins, like “touching myself” (gulp!) And the brainwashing was so extreme that I was convinced that one un-confessed, un-absolved mortal violation meant the eternal barbecue.

And these days — no longer constrained by otherwordly authoritarian rubbish — I read about or see a video featuring John Bolton, Vlodymyr Zelensky, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condy Rice, Victoria Nuland, Bill or Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Tony Blinken ET AL. . . . Then I look in the mirror and I chuckle: “Me, go to hell? When these motherfuckers are walking around free and greatly prospering off the blood, sweat and tears of ordinary folks? Nah. To hell with hell, unless these war criminals precede me.”

Ah America. Thou hath probably spawned some of the most despicable entities ever to carry a full set of human chromosomes. (And in that category let’s be certain not to forget Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates.) I should finally note that I include Mr. Clown President Zelensky among US war criminals because of his umbilical ties to the CIA.

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