Morons and Thugs

As Seymour Hersh’s recent report, “How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline” makes clear, our demented thug of a president personally demanded the destruction of the jointly owned Russian and European gas pipelines. Scum like Jake Sullivan, Anthony Blinken and Victoria Nuland and the CIA planned and carried out the sabotage, the cause of which mainstream American media still insists is a mystery. Naturally, the White House and the CIA deny responsibility, and for stupid Americans and their dishonest media, that’s case closed. Those not so stupid can recall decades of CIA and White House lies. In fact, you can safely assume that the truth will be the opposite of whatever the president and the intelligence agencies say.

At last we can see what the bullshit “rules-based international order” really means. The US can blow up property of nations we don’t like and that’s OK. But under the hypocritical slogan, Americans are just a bunch of cheap crooks and gangsters, pretending to be the good guys as they sow death and destruction all over the world. Most Americans support this, since we are, after all, the exceptional nation. Americans are stupid enough to think the rest of the world will just accept this and roll over. They are oblivious to the fact that new alliances are forming without the US and its so-called democratic partners. Someday soon the US and its puppets will be just a tiny island surrounded by an ocean of adversaries and enemies.

In a country with any sense of justice the destruction of the pipelines would result in Congressional investigations and heads would roll. But that’s not America. The United States is a nation of morons who never think or ask questions. The death toll from our decades of stupidity numbers in the millions, from Southeast Asia to the Middle East, to Ukraine and soon to China, and Americans could care less. America will go on blowing up the world, but someday the world will have had enough. That day will come as a big surprise to most Americans.

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