Happy War Criminals’ Day!

It’s hilarious to hear our airheaded VP Kamala Harris accuse Russia of war crimes and crimes against humanity, since the only claims for such crimes come from Ukrainian lying sacks of shit. Russians may or may not have committed war crimes in Ukraine, but there is no doubt that the United States is guilty of war crimes on a gigantic scale. Some of the more memorable American crimes include the Kabul drone strike which killed ten Afghan civilians in September, 2021, the “collateral murder” video showing American pilots laughing as they gunned down civilians in Iraq in 2007, and the torture of numerous prisoners in Abu Graib and Guantanamo. Not to mention the thousands killed in our attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Southeast Asia. Americans may know this Monday, February 20, as Presidents’ Day, but since all our recent American presidents have been responsible for war crimes, let’s just call it what it is: War Criminals’ Day, the day which honors our homicidal leaders. American citizens may not be directly responsible for these crimes, but they are guilty of criminal stupidity for electing our leaders and supporting them as they wage one idiotic war after another. So put on your party hats, America, and let’s cheer the sociopaths who lead us and cheer for the murderous idiocracy we have created.

1 thought on “Happy War Criminals’ Day!”

  1. I’m sure I caught a reflection off Kamala’s rear, and believe it to have been some stray light glinting off the key used by her military-industrial corporate overseers to wind up the spring that runs the wheel that holds the acorn, chased by the squirrel who turns the mini-generator that provides current for the micromotors that run her mouth, CD player voice record and facial expression, so she can spout the pre-digested rubbish that best ignites the war machine to cough up its enormous profits. War crimes? Pfft! Collateral damage.

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