The Stinking Turds of the FBI

The latest evidence that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has become an American Gestapo has been provided by special counsel John Durham’s report. Too politely, that report implied that the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation of the Trump campaign in 2016 was knowingly based on false premises and was essentially a partisan persecution of an American presidential candidate. It echoed another overly-polite report of 2019 by Inspector General Michael Horowitz that the FBI “made errors” – to put in bluntly, they lied – in getting a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. The two reports reveal the FBI as a rogue agency operating outside the law for partisan – meaning neofascist Democratic Party – causes.

In the past year, the FBI’s fascist behavior has become more brazen, with the indictments of the anti-war African People’s Socialist Party and the made-for-TV spectacle of the Mar a Lago raid demonstrating what will happen to you if you challenge our warmongering intelligence and law enforcement agencies. But the FBI has a long history of acting against anyone who tries to change our corrupt system of government, such as the COINTELPRO operations of the Sixties, and the very likely involvement of the FBI in the assassinations of JFK and Martin Luther King.

The FBI does not protect Americans from crooks, foreign agents or serial murderers. The men and women of the FBI are steaming turds who deliberately silence dissent and persecute anyone who dares to challenge our corrupt government. Presidential candidates Marianne Williamson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have pledged to do away with the FBI if elected. No chance that either of them will ever be allowed to run for president, much less be elected, but could Congress at least require that FBI agents wear the nifty black uniforms of the Nazi Gestapo, so citizens could know what kind of stinking monsters they are dealing with?

1 thought on “The Stinking Turds of the FBI”

  1. Ceig Heil. Our own warm and fuzzy gestapo. But I disagree. They need uniquely sunny American exceptionalist uniforms — lemon yellow with matching boots. Make it easier to see them coming — or hiding, the slimy mofos.

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