Hang ’em High!

Stop before it’s too late, Mr. President! According to the Center for Constitutional Rights, your support of Israel’s attacks on Gaza amounts to complicity in genocide, the greatest of war crimes. As Israel drops ton after ton of bombs on Gaza, killing civilians indiscriminately, starves Palestinians and deprives them of water and the fuel needed to operate hospitals, your only comment is that “Israel has the right to defend itself,” as well as making a promise to supply Israel with everything it needs – that would be more bombs — to respond to the Hamas attack. Now, no one here at Bumrack expects you to have the common decency to care about the lives of Palestinian civilians, since you have caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and since what matters to you are the bribes you can collect from the defense industry and foreign governments, but you should at least consider self-interest. Remember Nuremberg, Joe? That was when the WW2 Nazi war criminals were tried, found guilty of war crimes, and hanged by the US Army. We at Bumrack certainly don’t want to see you suffer the same fate, so tell Bibi to go fuck himself, or you may find yourself hanging from a lamp-post on the Washington Mall, alongside your neocon cabinet members. That would be a shame, wouldn’t it?

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