Holocaust Blues

On the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the beginning of the Holocaust, Israelis whine about the Holocaust while they – Holocaust survivors and their descendants — commit genocide. According to a recent poll, 80% of Israelis are in favor of eliminating the Palestinians one way or another, while one Israeli government official called for nuking Gaza, and its Prime Minister and others in government are determined to cleanse Gaza of Palestinians. The spectacle of Holocaust survivors continuing the practices of the German Nazis would be laughable if it weren’t so disgusting. There was no outrage from these hypocrites when for 70 years Israel repeatedly massacred Palestinians, has run them out of their homes and has destroyed their villages. No problem with seventy years of the IDF and armed settlers gunning down unarmed Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. The IDF, so brave when murdering unarmed Palestinians, is afraid to face an armed Hamas in its tunnels, and resorts to indiscriminate bombing of the whole of Gaza to hide its cowardice.

And now, after Israel has killed more than 10,000 Palestinian civilians – half of them children — the response by American government is not to demand a cease fire, but to send Israel another $14 billion and more weapons. The buffoonish Biden administration blathers about a nonsensical “humanitarian pause” only to avoid being blamed for the killings. America could put an instant stop to the slaughter by cutting off funds, ammunition and military support to Israel. But that will never happen. The US government is owned by Israel, and AIPAC ensures that every single member of Congress must commit to defending Israel, regardless of morality or US interests. The lone member of Congress who spoke up for Palestine was censured by her colleagues. So be proud, Americans, as your representatives ignore your wants and needs to kiss the ass of a murderous foreign government. That’s democracy, American-style.

1 thought on “Holocaust Blues”

  1. I wanted to add that members of rashida Tlaib’s own (Democrat) party participated in voting censure on her. Had those 22 voted against the measure, it would have failed. The bloody democrats thus confirmed their status as tools of the military-industrial complex

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