AIPAC: Wiping Our Butts with the Bill of Rights

The US security state, the censorship industrial complex: call it whatever you like. The US Bill of Rights, a founding document of the republic has lately undergone an assault by diverse organizations—many allied with US government agencies—all seeking to throttle freedom of speech in abrogation of the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution, specifically its First Amendment.

Directed against censorship targets as diverse as Scott Ritter, ex-Marine officer and UN weapons inspector, Kit Klarenberg, Grayzone journalist, and Omali Yeshitela et al. of the Uhuru (“freedom” in Swahili) Movement of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP), the US government, using these partner cutouts, has sought, since 9-11-01 (and prior) to convince us that there exist controversial speech exceptions not protected by the First Amendment. And that these individuals are therefore acting as unregistered agents of foreign governments, most notably Russia.

Such First Amendment exceptions to free speech in fact DO NOT EXIST.

One of the most vile and toxic exceptions seeks to censor speech criticizing the Zionist abattoir of Israel, where psychopathic murderers function in the light of each day to commit acts of genocide and have been ethnically cleansing the non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine for over 75 years.  And the US government’s partners in this censorship includes several Zionist organizations, primary among them AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.  That AIPAC buys US politicians with huge campaign contributions is a matter of public record. See for example:

But AIPAC’s interference in US governance goes far beyond its buying politician fealty.  For example, it has managed at the state level to provoke passage of laws prohibiting criticism or participation in BDS  movements to boycott Israel, divest of investments to that country and impose sanctions on it. In other words, to put a leash on the rabid dog. In these activities, AIPAC—largely funded by American and other Zionist billionaires—is placing the priorities of Zionism, i.e., Israel, above those of America. Yet AIPAC isn’t considered the agent of a foreign government entity, unlike patriotic Americans like Scott Ritter and Omali Yeshitela. AIPAC is clearly an agent of Israeli Zionism and should be forbidden to operate in the US except under restrictions as a foreign agency. US politicians accepting further campaign donations would thus be subject to suspicion of treasonous activities.

Thank you Zionist Israelis and Zionist American traitors for using the Bill of Rights as toilet tissue with which to wipe your arses. Actually damn you to the deepest recesses of Hades.

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