
Holocaust Blues

On the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the beginning of the Holocaust, Israelis whine about the Holocaust while they – Holocaust survivors and their descendants — commit genocide. According to a recent poll, 80% of Israelis are in favor of eliminating the Palestinians one way or another, while one Israeli government official called for nuking Gaza,

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Hang ’em High!

Stop before it’s too late, Mr. President! According to the Center for Constitutional Rights, your support of Israel’s attacks on Gaza amounts to complicity in genocide, the greatest of war crimes. As Israel drops ton after ton of bombs on Gaza, killing civilians indiscriminately, starves Palestinians and deprives them of water and the fuel needed

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The Stinking Turds of the FBI

The latest evidence that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has become an American Gestapo has been provided by special counsel John Durham’s report. Too politely, that report implied that the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation of the Trump campaign in 2016 was knowingly based on false premises and was essentially a partisan persecution of an

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Breaking News: for the Dumbest Americans

After weeks of trying to ignore or discredit Seymour Hersh’s Substack article, “How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline,” the American government responded through its propaganda mouthpiece, the New York Times, with an explanation so ridiculous that a thinking person can only laugh. The NYT article, which continues the preposterous contention that there is

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