
War Horniness

In a recent (8-7-23) post by the always excellent Caitlin Johnstone, entitled “Democrats Don’t Really Care About trump’s real Crimes,” she used the phrase “war-horny military” to describe the US Military []. I liked that compound adjective as a descriptor of American culture so much that I posted the following comment, which I quite liked

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Alphabet Slop

FDA, CDC, EPA. Alphabet soup? Nah, alphabet slop. Why? Because the sloppy science of these federal govt. agencies seems to end up serving corporate interests, not “the people”. And often in not very healthful ways. Lately, focus has been on the EPA and its rubber-stamping of Bayer-Monsanto’s glyphosate, the active herbicide in Roundup. According to

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East of the Oder

As far too many Americans get themselves into a Russia-slamming froth over Ukraine, it’s informative to recall a piece of history — WWII era and prior. The German Nazi party, and indeed most of western Europe saw a dividing line at the Oder River, east of Germany, a natural border between Germany and Poland. East

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Yo, Mario

Dear Mario,I know you’re no longer present on this earthly plane. But as an Italian-American and native New Yorker, I gotta ask anyway: “How the hell did you throw off two such grotesque stronzi* sons? Chris the flaming narcissist and Andy-boy the Nursing-home assassin. Consider the NYC administration for children’s services (ACS), which is now

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Alternative Media??

I’ll state it up front. I’m tired of Krystal Ball. Two reasons. First, she criticizes the duopoly while realistically supporting the disgusting Dems in the last analysis. Second, she and Saagar Enjeti continually tell us how we should support them because they’re trying to defeat the stupidity and hypocrisy of the mainstream media (MSM). Meanwhile,

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