
Holocaust Blues

On the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the beginning of the Holocaust, Israelis whine about the Holocaust while they – Holocaust survivors and their descendants — commit genocide. According to a recent poll, 80% of Israelis are in favor of eliminating the Palestinians one way or another, while one Israeli government official called for nuking Gaza,

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Hang ’em High!

Stop before it’s too late, Mr. President! According to the Center for Constitutional Rights, your support of Israel’s attacks on Gaza amounts to complicity in genocide, the greatest of war crimes. As Israel drops ton after ton of bombs on Gaza, killing civilians indiscriminately, starves Palestinians and deprives them of water and the fuel needed

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Zionism ≠ Judaism

Zionism ≠ Judaism In a recent Grayzone video, Aaron Maté, a Canadian Jew characterized Zionism and Israel’s right-wing government as driven by chauvinism. Seems like an apt descriptor and an effective tool to illustrate the important distinction between Zionism, a political—specifically a settler-colonialist—philosophy and Judaism, a religion and set of moral principles guiding the

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